Risorsa Monviso Feed Rss

29/01/2010 - 25/01/2013


RISORSA MONVISOThe overall objective of the “Risorsa Monviso” project is the safeguard of nature, landscape, environment and culture in the protected cross-border areas which are affected by strong anthropic pressures.
This is to be achieved by designing and developing new relationships with the territory. In particular, the project envisages:
- a greater and more in-depth knowledge of the cross-border territory conceived as a strategic element for a better understanding of the needs, the issues and the resources in the area;
- formulating and testing together models of management of the protected areas, starting off by making a detailed picture of the territory and sharing experiences, approaches, good practices and strategies;
- creating awareness among the various stakeholders [citizens, tourists, the local business communities etc.] who in different ways utilize these territories, so as to have them take part in the protection and enhancement of these areas in all there complexity and specificity.

- Contratto di Fiume dell’Alto Po;
- Censimento, gestione e riqualificazione delle zone umide;
- Riqualificazione sistemi di depurazione dei rifugi alpini;
- Attivazione del processo di certificazione MAB Unesco;
- Realizzazione di Centri Educativi Ambientali.


- Parco del Po Cuneese (Capofila)
- Parc Naturel Régional du Queyras
- Féderation des Hautes-Alpes pour la Péche et la Protection du Milieu Aquatique


Contratto di fiume
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