The « Monviso : l’uomo e le territorire » PIT
- WHAT DOES PIT MEAN?A PIT (Integrated Cross-border Plan) is a Plan made of single multi-topic cooperation projects (hence each may refer to a different measure in the Programme) having a common objective in the social end economic development of a specific cross-border territory. All the projects in a PIT are independent from a financial and administrative point of view and they follow the same rules as the single projects.
The PIT cross-border area goes from the French mountain areas of
Guillestrois and Queyras (the north-eastern part of the Département des
Hautes-Alpes), through Colle dell’Agnello, to the Roero hillside across
Valle Maira, Valle Varaita, Valle Po, Bronda and Infernotto and to the
area around Saluzzo, to Racconigi and Savigliano (north –western side of
the Cuneo Province).
WHAT PROJECTS DOES THE PIT CONSIST OF?The projects of the PIT Monviso : l’uomo e le territorire » concentrate on four topics which are strategic for the sustainable development of the territory:
- safeguarding the environmental heritage through the project “Risorsa Monviso”;
- spreading the concept of sustainable tourism through the project “Slow Tourism”;
- promoting local culture through the project “Cultura des Hautes Terres”;
- supporting rural economies through the project “Le montagne produit Qualità” and “Savoir Legno”.
WHAT ENTITIES ARE INVOLVED?The Parco del Po Cuneese and the Parc naturel régional du Queyras are the promoting entities of the PIT “Monviso: l’uomo e le territoire”, which they manage in collaboration with the Communication and Coordination Service (SCC). 26 Italian and French partners have been involved and have developed six topic-based projects on matters of shared interest, which residents, visitors or tourists may enjoy.
The PIT “Monviso: l’uomo e le territorire” is financed by the European Structural Funds of the ALCOTRA programme: these are instruments for the implementation of EU regional policies and they finance the multi-year programmes for regional development agreed upon by the European Commission, the Member States and the Regions.
The PIT projects are financed by the ERDF structural fund and by the ALCOTRA programme. Co financing comes from the Italian Government, the Piedmont Region, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, the French Government, the Agence de l’eau, the Conseil Général des Hautes Alpes, the Communauté de Communes and the Escarton du Queyras
Three are the Structural Funds: the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF),the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Cohesion Fund. The Funds operate in a coordinated manner but each support different programmes.
The ALCOTRA programme (Alpi Latine COoperazione TRAnsfrontaliera) is an operational programme for cross-border cooperation between Italy and France, encompassing the whole Alpine border between the two countries. The general purpose of the programme is to improve the quality of life of the people living in the area and to promote the sustainable development of cross-border economic territorial systems through cooperation in the social, economic, environmental and cultural fields. (from www.interreg-alcotra.org)
In order to meet the specific requirements of a territory both on a local and a more global scale, the 2007-2013 ALCOTRA programme envisages three implementation procedures.:
- Individual cooperation projects:
Specific proposals referring to a single measure, which follow the traditional implementation procedure and are submitted by at least two partners: one Italian and one French;
- Strategic projects
Strategic projects aim at deepening the knowledge of matters of shared interest and enhancing the potential for development in specific ambits and sectors. These are “public” projects demanding political and institutional skills and which impact the entire cross-border area or a great part of it.
The promoters of these projects are the Regions and the Provinces for Italy; the Government, le Regions and the Departments for France.
- Integrated cross-border plans (PIT):
Plans consisting of a number of individual cooperation projects on different topics and sectors (each one may therefore refer to a different measure in the Programme) and which have a shared social and economic development objective for a specific cross-border territory. All the projects in a PIT are independent from a financial and administrative point of view and they follow the same rules as the single projects
The establishment of a cross-border partnership is a must in presenting any kind of project.
You may find more information on the ALCOTRA official website: